Monday, April 14, 2014

Dial Tone Pink Peony and Rose Oil Body Wash

The product was offered from Bzzagent and Dial Tone.

Opening the flip-top cap of the Tone Pink Peony and Rose Oil Body Wash produced an aroma of rose fragrance. The smell was mild. The bottle was adorned in pink with drawn flowers on the front and the usage details along with the ingredients on the back. The design was good and simple.

I had a dry patch on my left arm. No other body wash evened out the skin texture. I used the Tone body wash on the third day of receiving it and noticed the dry patch on the left arm disappeared within a week. I was happy and proclaimed it to my family. My sister told me she would try the Tone body wash when she gets around to it. My mom said, "Whatever you like".

The aroma does not linger on my skin. Though other people who had tried the product claims it does when used in bath soaking. I prefer it as a shower. The flip-top cap was an inconvenience, it will be better if it had a push function. Otherwise the product is cool.
Now I just need to remember where I put the coupons to purchase additional Tone body wash, but in different aromas.